Ladies – Continue to rise up and shine

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Ladies – Continue to rise up and shine

Happy International Women’s Day


March 8th 2022 was International Women’s Day and the theme was “Break the Bias.” While there have been major improvements in the equality of men and women, there are still some parts of the World where women continue to face biases. For example, in the Bahamas, children born to Bahamian men whether in the Bahamas or not are automatically citizens. On the other hand, children born to Bahamian women are treated differently. If an unmarried Bahamian woman has child outside the Bahamas, that child is Bahamian at birth but if a Bahamian woman is married to a non Bahamian and gives birth to a child outside the Bahamas, that child does not automatically become a citizen.

The Turks and Caicos Islands may be small and considered to be a third world place but I believe I can say safely that, the women in the Turks and Caicos do not have to break any bias here.  The women of the Turks and Caicos can be and should be an example to the world because the women in TCI are shining.

Women are in the top key positions in TCI

In the Turks and Caicos Islands, most of the top key positions in the Turks and Caicos Islands are held by women. In the public sector, the positions of Deputy Governor, Attorney General, Chief Justice, Chief Magistrate are held by women. Many of the permanent secretaries and deputy permanent secretaries are women. Most of the heads of the elementary, secondary and tertiary institutions in the Turks and Caicos are women. There are also many women heading up many Government Departments and Statutory Bodies.

In the private sector, many women are in key positions. One of the largest telecommunications companies is headed by a woman. The utility company is headed by a woman. The few locals who are the general managers of some of the resorts in the Turks and Caicos are women. There are many women who are successful entrepreneurs. Of course, I will single out my wife, Joanna who own her businesses, J & D Office Supplies and See More HomeGoods

Even in sports, women are in key positions. Mrs. Sonia Fulford – Missick is the President of the Turks and Caicos Football Association. She is also a member of the FIFA Council.

Many women are the breadwinners for the family

Due to the positions that many women hold in the Turks and Caicos Islands, many women are the breadwinners for their family. They are making more than their spouses or partners. Some men may be intimidated by this but personally I don’t have an issue with that.

Many women are the only parents in the home

Unfortunately, there are many families throughout the world that consist of just single parents and many of these single parents are women. Women are raising males and females by themselves and you know what, many of these women are doing great job as single parents. I think women ought to be admired and recognized for the role they play in the home especially in a single parent environment. Many of these women are able to balance their time properly with their children and their career.

Many women are empowering other women

Women are establishing organizations and conferences to empower ladies on regular basis. As a result, I believe women will always play a key role in the Turks and Caicos Islands.


I encourage the ladies to continue to rise up and shine. Don’t tear each other down. There are some women that are being abused and are suffering so continue to do your part to make a difference in their lives.

In the Turks and Caicos Islands, I don’t think there is a gender inequality issue. If you see you are being treated differently, trust me, it is not because you are a woman. I think the issue is that, there is inequality between locals and expatriates and it does not matter if you are a man or woman.

Ladies know that you are equally important as gentlemen. You are not better than them and they are not better than you.

Happy International Women’s Day!

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