Do not be too quick to respond to one side of a story

Truth Chiselled Into Rock

Do not be too quick to respond to one side of a story

Get the other sides of the stories because some things just do not make sense



Sometimes people say things and we do not do a fact check on what is being said. We forward the information, and we respond to the information as if the information is true. Of course, we should be concern about what we hear, but it is also important for us to make sure that we verify the information. Sometimes, we are just too quick to respond to rumours and hearsays and it is embarrassing when the truth comes out.

The announcement about the deportees.

NBC reported that based on sources within the Trump Administration, the Turks and Caicos is one of the countries listed as possible option to entertain deportees to if their home countries refuse to accept them.

This announcement does not make any sense. The Turks and Caicos and all other countries have immigration laws and for anyone to work and live here, they must go through the immigration process. Furthermore, why would a small country agree to take on immigrants that were deported from the USA. This does not make any sense. Obviously if the individuals are Turks and Caicos Islanders, then we should not refuse them but if they are not, on what basis would they come here.

I may be wrong, but this announcement just sounds like a rumour to me. The USA engage with any other country to take deportees that their home countries do not want. How can these home countries refuse their own citizens? If the rumours were true about TCI, where would these people stay in TCI? Where would they work? We are talking about thousands of people.

The Governor has already announced that they have not received any request from the US, so did Grenada and Panama but yet the NBC is saying their source say they Trump team has already reach out to these countries, so this further corroborate my belief that this is just a rumor which leads me to another point about individuals sharing their personal information on social media.

The sharing of personal information on social media

Too many people are sharing their personal information or information about other people’s business on social media. Sometimes, the information sounds so true and so we end up commenting on these posts without hearing the other sides of the story. However, if you were to investigate further and hear the other two sides of the story, you will realize that some of the information disseminated is very misleading or inaccurate.


Let us not be too quick to respond to information you do not know about. Remember, there is more than one side to a story. The best thing to do is say nothing if you do not know anything about the situation. You can put your foot in your mouth and look like a fool for deciding or concluding based on one side of a story.

People need to be truthful. When you are sharing your story, say what you did and what the other side said or did. Do not give a one-sided story. In the case of the NBC announcement, notice they used the work sources. We do not even know if they had any sources. It can be a fabricated story, or “sources” could have sent this information to NBC just to see if anyone would buy into this concept. Of course, we cannot take anything for granted but why would the Trump Administration approach smaller countries such as the Turks and Caicos and the Bahamas to accept deportees. Make this make sense.

Finally, I like the response from Panama Government who stated they will not respond to assumptions and rumours.

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