Do not forget where you came from

The colorful glass marbles, a game of the past

Do not forget where you came from

Just do not let it define you.



I know there is a popular phrase, “it is not where you come from, it is where you are going.’ While I do understand and appreciate that phrase, I dare to say that we should still not forget where we came from. It is our past that helped us to be where we are today. It is where we came from that helps us to appreciate the things that many others take for granted or insignificantly. It is where we came from that allowed us to know about the word of God. It is where we came from that allows us to show love for other people who are not even your family.

Do not forget where you came from.

Over the weekend, I went to South Caicos, my birthplace and I was there to attend the funeral of one of my neigbours.  I do not like to attend funerals, but this family was neigbour and was a very good neigbour. I cannot forget where I came from so, I showed up to support the Basden and Clare family. Our neighbours played a very important part in our lives. We could not survive had it not been for our neigbous. Let us not forget our neighbours and the other people that help us along the way. We do not know whose hands we will fall into in the future.

Many of us grew up being poor but of course at that time, we probably did not know we were poor. Today many of us are now in a better position than we were growing up. However, that life we lived in the past pushed us to improve our lives. Maybe if we did not have much growth, we would not have pushed ourselves to be better.

Many of us also grew up in an environment in which you were treated very meanly, which resulted in lack of confidence and low self-esteem. Today, many of us are so confident and full of high self-esteem and we can look back and see how far we have come.

Many of us grew up in the church learning about God. We may not have been Christians but certainly we were religious. Today we are so caught up in the world and some of us are now questioning the existence of God. However, due to our foundation in God, we can subconsciously know that deep down that God exists. It is evident when we are in trouble. The first thing we want to do is call on God to help us. Had we not been grounded in word of God; we may not be reaching out to God, and we may have been in a lot of trouble with the law. Our parents and grandparents prayed for us and this country. I believe it is because of their prayers we are in a better state now


Some of us act as if we have always been in the great state that we are in. While we should not let our past define us, we should appreciate the past because it is our past that propels us to be what we are today. No matter how bad your past was, sometimes we just must be thankful for what we through. More importantly, do not forget your roots.

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