It makes a significant difference.
A simple thank you goes a long way. Too many times, some of us live our lives without thanking people for the service they provide or the things they do. Sometimes we have the attitude that these individuals who are providing services are getting paid and so there is no need to thank them for the services they do. We don’t know what people are going through and a simple thank you can brighten that person’s day.
Even within your home, learn to give thanks to the people in your household. Therefore, let me ask you this, do you give thanks. How often do you say thanks?
These little gestures of giving thanks make a significant difference. People feel appreciated and valued. When people don’t feel appreciated, they may quit their jobs or even come out of a relationship. Do you now comprehend the benefits of saying thank you.?
Thank you.
With that said, I want to use this article to thank the people who supported me on June 30th at Beaches Resort where I launched my second book Succeeding in Your Position and celebrated the 10 years anniversary of my accounting firm, HLB TCI Ltd.
This was a Friday night, it was the end of a long week after working so many hours, it was also a busy weekend with the swearing of Her Excellency Governor, Dileeni Daniel – Selvaratnam and the funeral of the late Bobby Fulford. Therefore, people did not have to be at my event, but they came out in great numbers on Friday night. I do not take this for granted at all and so I just want to publicly thank everyone who was there and those who wanted to be there but couldn’t be there for reasons beyond their control. Thank you.
A special thank you to my wife, Joanna, and our five children, Drexanna, Jowell, DJ, Josiah, and Jostin. I thought Jowell was not going to be there but thankfully one of his co-workers allowed him to switch with them so he can work in the morning and be out in the evening to the event. Thank you to that co-worker and his boss. Also a big thank you to Drexanna for recording some of the videos.
Thank you to the Premier, Hon Charles Misick, and the Minister of Education, Hon. Rachel Taylor, Minister for Education, for gracing us with your presence. Hon Premier, I know it was a tight schedule for you, but you came from Grand Turk that evening just to attend the event and even stayed until the end.
Thank you to my sister Lydia, my brother-in-law, and my niece for flying out of Grand Turk just for the event. Oh, and that cake was delicious as usual.
Thanks to my mother-in-law, my sisters-in-law and brother-in-law for being there and for always supporting me. Even though we had an official photographer, my brother-in-law Ronald stepped and took pictures.
Thanks to all my friends, other family members, employees, former employees and clients who were there celebrating that milestone. Your presence made the event a success. I also want to thank that friend that came from the USA just for the event and the other friend who changed their travels just to be here. Thanks Alicia, one of my employees, for coming to the rescue to help with the sale of the books.
I want to thank Beaches Resort, particularly Tanya Swann and her team for the excellent service and food they provide. A special thank you to Brentford Handfield for the song Succeeding in Your Position. Thank you, Dr. Barbara Ambrister, the president of the TCI Writer’s Society. A special thank you to all the individuals who participated in the HLB anniversary video and the Succeeding in Your position book video.
Finally, thanks to the team at Spotlight Communications who produced the two videos. Thanks to Benson Williams for recording the event that evening. Thanks to Charlie Photography for being the official photographer. Also, Tawanda Kennedy for the decorations.
Let us learn to practice always giving thanks. Lead by example so that your children, co-workers, and boss will follow suit.
You do not have to pay anything to say thanks. It is free so do it. It does not hurt to give thanks. In fact, saying thank you goes a long way.