Are the parliamentarians getting paid too much?

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Are the parliamentarians getting paid too much?

Less than some of the statutory bodies but higher than some of counterparts in the region


In my last article, I did a review of the review of the paygrade. I briefly addressed the salaries of the parliamentarians, but this article will focus on the recent approval of the salaries of the parliamentarians.

Let me say this, it has always been my belief that the salaries of the statutory bodies should not be higher than those of the public sector and the parliamentarians. Some may argue and say that these individuals in the statutory bodies are qualified and should get paid more. While that may be the case, there are also a significant number and if not, most civil servants who are qualified, but they do not get paid a lot of money.  Some parliamentarians may not be qualified but they were elected by the people, and they carry a huge responsibility and time more than that of the statutory bodies and so they should be compensated.

However, if I were the premier, I probably would not have accepted the recommendation for the increase in salaries for parliamentarians at this time because the perception is that salary increase was not about the people. I recalled one year under the Rufus Ewing administration, there were recommendations from the Integrity Commission for an increase in allowances, but it was never put forward.

Salaries of the CEO Statutory bodies

The CEO salary for one of the bodies is more than $350,000. Another salary for one of the CEOs is $174,240 and with allowances and benefits, it is $246,396. Another salary for one of the CEOs of a statutory body is $170,000 with allowances and benefits it is $213,500. One salary for another CEO of a statutory body is $149,760 and with allowances and benefits, it is $166,536. Another salary for a CEO of a statutory body is $143,520 and with the allowances and benefits, it is $177,776.

The salaries of the CEOs of statutory bodies vary but as you can see they are higher than the parliamentarians.

Salaries of some Executives in Government

According to the Budget book, the salary for the Commissioner of Police is $150,972. Salary for AG is $175,677. The salary for the Governor is 164,697. The salary for the Deputy Governor is $137,348. The salary of Chief Justice is $175,677. Salaries for the Permanent Secretaries are $102,112.

Current salaries for the Parliamentarians.

The current salary of the premier is $145,600 and with allowances it is i$169,800. The salary for the deputy premier is $131,040 and with allowances, it is $191,040. The salaries for the ministers are $117,936 and with allowances, it is $176,136. The salary for the leader of the Opposition is $78,000 and with allowances, it is $96,000. The salary for the Speaker of the House is $78,000 and with allowances, it is $85,200. The salary for the Deputy Speaker is $74,800 and with allowances, it is $90,480. The salary for the MPs who are not ministers is $72,800 and with allowances, it is $83,000.  

I noticed that the deputy premier’s total compensation is higher than that of the Premier, but I guess it is because the Government is paying the rental of a home for the Premier.

Proposed salaries for the Parliamentarians

The proposed salary of the premier is $195,000 representing a 33.9% increase. The proposed salary for the deputy premier is $175,500 representing a 33.9% increase. The proposed salaries for the ministers are $157,950 representing a 33.9% increase. The proposed salary for the leader of the Opposition is $104,464 representing 33.9% increase the proposed salary for the MPs who are not ministers is $97,500 representing 33.9% increase. Therefore, the overall increase is 33.9% for the parliamentarians.

Rental of Premier’s residence.

I do believe that the Government should consider constructing homes for the Premier on the island of Providenciales and Grand Turk and no matter who becomes the premier, that would be their residence.

According to the budget booklet, the payment for the rental of the Premier’s residence is $207,600. As far as I know, the premier does not get this money in his hands, but the money is paid directly to the landlord.  However, it is still considered part of the total package for the Premier.

Now, if we were to multiply 207,600 by 4 years which is the current length of term for a government, the total would be $830,400. Therefore, wouldn’t it be better to build a home for the premier.

Let us also remember there is a house for the Governor in Grand Turk but the Governor resides in Provo and pays rent. I am unsure of the rental amount but in the budget booklet under the Governor’s budget, there is a line item called rental of buildings for $91,500. I assumed this is for the rental of the Governor’s residence in Provo. Of course, it can also mean rental of Office space.

Proposed salaries for the Governor and other Executives

The proposed salary for the Governor is $214,500, representing a 30% increase. The proposed salary for the Deputy Governor and Attorney Governor ranges between $178,852 and $207,413. The proposed salary for the permanent secretaries ranges between $$146,792 and $207,413.

Salaries for the Parliamentarians from USA and other countries in the region

In the USA, the President makes $400,000 plus $50,000 in expenses. The Vice President makes $261,400.

In the Bahamas, the Prime Minister salary is $86,000 plus allowances of $25,000 making it a total of $111,000. The Deputy Prime Minister salary is $76,000 plus allowances of $15,000. The Attorney General salary is $66,000 plus $5,000 in allowances making it a total of $71,000. The minister with Portfolio is $66,000 plus $5,000. Minister of State is $60,000 plus $5,000. The speaker salary is $80,000 plus $3,000 in allowances. The leader of the Opposition is $50,000. The Member of Parliament is $28,000

In the Cayman Islands, the Premier makes $234,900 (US$279,531), deputy premier $223,572 (US$266,051), the speaker is 202,512 (US$240,989). The Minister is $188,076 (US$223,810). The Leader of the Opposition is $152,340 (US$181,285). MPs are $130,512 (US$155,309).

In Bermuda, the Premier makes $207,285.  Ministers make $156,864. MPs make $56,023. The leader of the Opposition makes $86,390. The AG makes $203,045.


I don’t know how the consultants derive at the salaries, but the proposed changes now make some of the salaries more than those of some of the CEOs of the Statutory bodies.

The question of my article was, are the parliamentarians’ salaries too high. They are not high when compared to some of the statutory bodies, but they are high when compared to other countries such as the Bahamas.

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