Back to school! Back to work!

Happy african american parents and children preparing backpacks for school

Back to school! Back to work!

Back to reality!



This is the time of the year when the summer break and vacations come to an end. Teachers and students return to school while the parents and adult siblings return to work. This year appears to be an unprecedented year whereby many families are taking vacations and doing so in non-traditional places. Everybody deserves a break and should get some rest. However, breaks do not last forever and furthermore, you need to get to work to meet your financial and personal needs. Our children also need to be equipped with knowledge and one way to do so is by being in school.

Back to school

Let me say this and as parents we must accept this that, some of our children will decide not to go to college or university and that is ok. However, I do believe that every child must have a foundation in education so that they will be equipped with the necessary knowledge to survive and to succeed. I encourage our education department to consider the concept of experiential learning. Experiential learning is a process of learning whereby students are introduced to the subjects in real life scenarios, and they not only observe the areas of the subjects, but they also gain experience and an understanding by a hands-on approach. In addition, we should consider implementing financial literacy, culinary arts and technical subjects very early in the life of a student.

Students stay focused but also have a balanced life in school. Get involved in community and extracurricular activities. I know sometimes it feels like you are in school forever, but you are not. Learn as much as you can using various sources of information. Accept that you are unique and so do not compare yourself to anyone. If you do not understand something, ask questions or do research.

Back to work

I challenge you today as you return to work, do a self-assessment and review your last appraisal and try your best to improve on your weaknesses. If you did not have an appraisal, then ask for one or have a conversation with your supervisor about your performance.

Be kind to the external and internal customers. Lead by example. If you are an employee, work and act as if you are the employer. Be happy at your job. If you are unhappy, then maybe that is not the job for you. You must enjoy what you do. Remember to be confidential. You see and you do not see. You hear and you do not hear. Of course, if it is legal issue, it is a different situation.

Give your employee his or her full hours of work. If you come late, leave late. Do not be on your phone or other gadgets while at work. Sometimes we do not like the fact that some companies have a no mobile phone policy but sometimes it is necessary. It is unfair for someone to be on the phone doing something else when they should use that time to fulfil their working hours.

Conclusion. I know some of you wish you did not have to be in school or even work but it is something that is necessary. Back to work! Back to school! Back to reality!  Being in school and at work can be a challenge from time to time. You can overcome any challenge through prayer, belief and a positive attitude.

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