Do Not Be Afraid of the Storms and the Fires. You are Not Alone. God is with You.


Do Not Be Afraid of the Storms and the Fires. You are Not Alone. God is with You.

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” Matthew 14:27

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still! ”Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” Mark 4:39-40


I don’t know about your family but our children are afraid to go their rooms at night to sleep unless I come with them. Even though we are all in one house, they are still afraid. However, the minute I go with them in their room, they become very calm knowing that I am there.

Like most parents always being there for their children, God is always there with us. Therefore, you should not be afraid knowing that God is right there. You cannot see Jesus physically but he is right here with us. Perhaps that is why you are afraid because you cannot see Jesus.

I know some of you also feel so alone as some of your friends and family members have deserted you during your time of storms and fires. Some of you have no one to talk to and some of you are talking to some people but you do not trust them and so you feel alone. Do not be afraid. You are not alone. God is with you.

Do not be afraid of the storms. God is with You.

We have some storms in our life and whether they are big or small, we are afraid. In Matthew chapter 14, Peter too was afraid of the wind and began to sink. From this illustration, we can conclude that when you become afraid, your faith becomes diminished and you become weak. When you become weak, you may be vulnerable and end up falling down. Therefore, be strong in your faith as it is our faith that will see us through our storms.

I know some of these storms may be so rough that you feel like the storms will drown you.  However, God can calm the storms. In Mark 4, some waves were over the boat while the disciples and Jesus were in the boat. The disciples of course were afraid and Jesus was sleeping so they woke him up and asked him if he cared if they drowned. Jesus rebuked the wind and told the waves to be quiet and the waves listened to Jesus.

Because God is there with you, talk to him and put your trust and faith in him.   He will calm your storms. Furthermore, storms do not last forever even though while you are going through them, you feel it is forever.

Do Not Be Afraid of the Fire. God is with You.

Some of us are in some fiery situations. Despite how severe the fire is, you do not have to get burned for God is with you. In Daniel Chapter 3, King Nebuchadnezzar put Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego in a fiery furnace because these three men refused to bow down and worship the golden image. The furnace was seven times hotter than it should be and the three men were untouched by the fire. In fact, the King said he saw a fourth person like the son of God. The truth is God was right there with these three men in the fire and so they were protected and the fire did not touch them.

Therefore, do not be afraid of the fires that you find yourself in. It will be tempting to compromise yourself when facing a fire as you want to do all that is necessary to avoid getting burned. However, the three Hebrew men refused to compromise their faith by worshipping other Gods. Do not be afraid for God is with you. Just be faithful to him and believe that God will rescue you.

Why the storms and fires and what to do?

I don’t know why we go through storms and fires but I know everyone will experience a storm or fire in their life.  Hold onto God while you go through the storms for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind. Furthermore, he told us that he will never leave us or forsake us.  If you meditate on these words and believe them, then you should not be afraid to go through a storm or fire.


I know that it is so easy to say do not be afraid. However, the truth of the matter is that being afraid of the storms and fires will not stop the storms and fires from coming. We need to be at peace and be strong knowing that if you become afraid, the storms may overcome you.

Be Strong for the Lord thy God is with you.

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