But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7“
I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” Jeremiah 17:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalms 51:10
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23
Many times, we choose people for positions or for relationships based on their popularity, their appearances including their colour and their background. However, the word tells us that the Lord does not look at things people look at, the Lord looks at the heart.
In the book of Samuel 16, the Lord commanded Samuel to go to Jesse’s house and anoint the next King. Jesse had 8 sons and the Lord told Samuel not to look at the height or appearance. He examined seven of Jesse’s sons and then asked if there was any one else because the Lord did not choose any of them. David was the youngest and was tending the sheep and when he came in, the Lord told Samuel that David is the one. No one expected David to be anointed King as he was short in stature, he was the youngest and he was a shepherd.
Too many times, we choose the wrong person for a position or for a relationship. We are so preoccupied with the appearance of individuals that sometimes we have overlooked the right person.
I know most people perhaps want to have the good appearance and the good heart but this article is to encourage you not to look at appearance alone.
Do Not look Solely at the Appearance
I know everybody wants to look good and feel good and there is nothing wrong with trying to enhance your image but do not choose someone for a position or relationship solely on appearance. You may be very surprised and disappointed to find out that “all that glitters in gold”. Some of these individuals have plastic surgery to look the way they look.
Too many times, we judge people and make decisions based on the appearance of an individual because of the stereotypes associated with appearances. This is not the biblical basis to make a decision. Do not be fool by the colour, the small size or the shape of an individual. Some evil things come wrapped up in some good-looking packages. Yes, some evil things also come in bad looking packages too. However, the point is do not look solely at the appearance.
There are too many times we overlooked persons who are considered by the world to be “overweight, ugly, very dark or too young. However, once you get to know these persons, you will soon find out that some of these persons have the best heart in the world.
There are some individuals who have specific criterion on their future spouse or partner and it is geared mostly to external appearances or wealth. Do not pursue someone solely on how they look externally. If you do, you will be facing a lot of competition and restless nights. Look at someone who has a heart for God and with good intent. Sometimes, people do pretend. Get to know the person as much as you can. Also seek God for direction. If you choose someone with a good heart, you should be happy.
Follow God’s pattern – Look at the heart
God knows our thoughts and that is why he looks at our heart for everything flows out of our heart. It is the heart that truly matters. Therefore, it is important that you guard your heart.
Sometimes we see individuals on the job getting a promotion without any experience. We observe some inexperienced individuals getting elected as politicians over some individuals that have considerable experience and tertiary education. We cannot fathom the results. Perhaps, it is because these inexperienced individuals have a good heart.
There are so many rewards of having a good heart. Therefore, like David, ask God on a daily basis to create in you a clean heart. Do this cleansing daily because the Devil does not like someone that has a heart for God. The Devil will pursue you, test you and tempt you. Therefore, be alert and stay in the word so that you can keep your heart pure and reap the rewards from God.
The Bible provides a guideline on how we should conduct ourselves and make decisions. The story about David being chosen as King and the story about David and Goliath are prime examples of why we should not just look solely at the appearance of an individual.
Please note that I am not suggesting that individuals with good appearances are not good people. I am saying do not look solely at the appearance of individuals but let us choose individuals based on their heart like what God does.