Do not look behind you!

Do not look

Do not look behind you!

Remember Lot’s wife



Do not get attached to the things of this world.  God may be telling you to leave a place. Do what God says to do and do not look back. I want to remind you about Lot’s wife. God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah and the angel told Lot and his family “Escape for your life! DO NOT LOOK BEHIND YOU nor stay anywhere on the plain.  Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed” (Genesis 19:17).

While the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was taking place, Lot’s wife look back and she became a pillar of salt.

Do not look behind you.

I do not know what your situation is but some of us are in a toxic environment and if you are not strong enough, you may end up becoming toxic.  The best thing to do is to walk away. I know it is hard to walk away from something that you have spent so much time building up and investing in. However, you may end up losing it anyway so sometimes it is best to go to a new place and start afresh and do not look back.

There are people in relationships that are hurting and being abused physically and mentally but they don’t want to leave because they think of the time and investment, they put in it. Have you ever considered that maybe you were never meant to be in that relationship. Get out and do not look back.

There are people that are keeping bad company and if you are someone that can easily be influenced, you may become just like the company you keep. Sooner or later, you may find yourself getting in trouble and possibly committing acts that are contrary to the law, resulting in legal issues.   If you are that person, it is time to leave that bad company and do not look back. Find a place where you can be uplifted and encouraged.

You may find yourself living in a bad area like Sodom and Gomorrah. You may make a lot of money. You may be having a lot of fun. It is time to remove yourself from that area and do not look back at all the possessions and fun you have. Think about the impact that environment will have on you and your family.

Some of you may be on a job and you hate it with passion. If you do not like what you do, then you should not be there. No matter your salary or position, leave it and do not look back.


I know that God wants the best for us. Some of you can do better than what you are doing. However, you need to move from where you are to the place that God wants you to be. There is a better life for you. Leave the place you are in.

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