Every day is Father’s Day. Fathers – assume and retain you rightful position

Every day is Father’s Day. Fathers – assume and retain you rightful position


I know that Father’s Day has already passed but I want to use this medium to encourage all of us as fathers to live each day as if it is Father’s Day. I know some of us are already doing this but many of us need to buckle up, assume and retain our rightful position.

There are too many children being raised without a father and there are too many men who are just sperm donors. Is this what we really want for our children?  We want to brag about all of the children we have but are we really Fathers to these children?

If we can get it right as fathers, we can groom our young men into productive citizens and in so doing we can alleviate the violence, the gangs, the drugs, the teenage pregnancy and poverty. Of course there are other factors that contribute to these social issues but having fathers assume their rightful position is a an excellent start. 

The Father’s position

Teach and Train

Our position as fathers is to teach and train our children to live a life that is pleasing and acceptable to God.

The word of Lord says in Proverbs 22:6 “train up your child in the way he should go even when he is old and he will not depart from it.”

One way to train our children is to lead by example. Do not be abusing your spouse and yet expect your child to do otherwise. Do not be promiscuous and yet expect your child to be in a  monogamous relationship. Do not be drinking and smoking and expect your child not to drink and smoke.

Of course some of the actions are due to generational curses that are passed onto children and that is why we as fathers must do the right thing so we can have good seeds passed to our generations.

Spend quality time with your children

There are many children who are being raised in a single home.  I don’t have any statistics for TCI, but in US, more than a quarter of children are living in single homes. Most of these single homes are headed by women but there are some fathers raising children alone.

A majority of children are living with both parents but yet their father do not spend quality time with the children as they are busy doing other things.

Time goes so fast. Yesterday your child was a baby. Today your child is a teenager and tomorrow your child is an adult with their own family. Therefore spend quality time and when your child grows up, they will have wonderful memories with you. The thing is if you do not spend time with your child, someone else or something else will.

Fathers’ you may no longer be in a relationship with your child’s mother but do not let the unhealthy relationship with your child’s mother interfere with the relationship with your child.

Do activities with your children even if it is watching a tv show together. Go out for a drive or even a walk.


Proverbs 13:24 states that “whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him.”

I know many of us are very guilty of not disciplining our children and sometimes you will in some homes the mothers are the disciplinarians. Fathers take your position and discipline your child.

When we allow children to continue to do wrong without any disciplinary action, we are spoiling our children and setting them up to believe it is ok for them to things contrary to the law.

Take care of your children

Fathers it is our responsibility to take care of our children. Sometimes we just think being the provider financially is our only role. However, after reading the aforementioned points, we have other responsibilities.

Some of us may not be in a position to take care of our children financially. Your spouse may be making more money than you but that is ok. There are so many other things you can you do that money cannot buy. Things such as cooking, taking the children to school and church and helping them with their homework.

You can take care of them also by encouraging them and helping them to become the man and woman God destined them to be.

Love your child even if your child disappointed you or betrayed you. If they walk away from you, look for them and try to reconcile with them.

Fathers, the word of God says in Proverbs 13:22 “a good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” While for many, this may imply financially. It may very well mean financially but it can mean spiritually as well. In fact, if you can leave a spiritual inheritance for your children, it will be one of the best legacies a father can leave.


Fathers, you play a very integral part in your child’s life. Too many children are in fatherless homes and as a result do not what it is to have a father. Single moms sometimes have to play dual roles. Children sometime turn to drugs, alcohol and sex due to the absence of father.

Men, do the right thing, rise up and take your position as real fathers in the life of your children and society.

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