Expect that something good is going to happen

A new Attitude

Expect that something good is going to happen


I don’t know about you but for many years I used to think that if I think of the opposite of what I want, I would get what I want. Well that was a lie from the pits of hell. God does not want us to think the opposite of what we want. He wants us to believe and expect that we will get what we desire. The word of the Lord says no good thing will he withhold from them walk uprightly. (Psalms 84:11) The word also says that whatever we ask for believe that we have receive it. (Mark 11:24)

Today, and especially since COVID 19, there is an increased expectation of negativity. Our expectation is based on what has happened in the past and what we see happening now. However, if we look at the present state of the condition we are in, more than likely we will not expect anything good to happen.

Too many of us are prescribing to the statement that things will get worse before they get better. While it is true that in 2 Timothy 3:12, it stated that “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.”, I believe the reason things are happening so negatively to us is because we speak it into existence.

Change the way you think – Think positive

For us to expect something good is going to happen, you must change your thinking. Stop thinking so negative about almost everything. Stop thinking the worst thing about individuals and the situation you are in.  Even if things appear to be negative, expect something good out of it.

Many of us are faced with so many health issues but all we are doing is thinking the worst about our health situation. Why don’t we think positive and believe that the same The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you. (Romans 8:11). Personally, for me I am believing and thinking that I will be free from this kidney disease.

Therefore, each day you get up, consider the following scripture from Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.  As you mediate on the scripture, tell yourself daily and nightly that something good is going to happen to you. Believe it and it will happen.

Also rather than speaking negative about others, let us start speaking and thinking positive about others and if we do, we can start to expect something good to happen for it is our very words and thoughts that cause things to happen to others and ourselves in such a negative way.


Don’t just wait around expecting the worst to take place. Act by rising up and doing the right thing for faith without works is dead. This action may require you to take risks. After all, the greater the risks, the greater the rewards. This may require you to make amends with those that did you wrong or those you did wrong to. Stop dwelling on the past and act by moving forward.

Some of you are suffering from low self esteem and mental illness. Recognize your weaknesses, act by seeking help and then start to expect something good is going to happen.

Some of you have generational curses in your life and so some of you expect to walk in the same path as your parents and grandparents. While this is true, recognize that what you are experiencing is a generation curse and seek deliverance and expect to be delivered.


I know based on this article you may argue and say no one expected the COVID 19 to happen so why did it happen. Most of us were expecting a good economy but we got this dreadful COVID 19 in our face.

I don’t know answer but what I do know is that from time to time no matter what we expect, we will encounter some obstacles in our lives, however, we should not let those obstacles deter us from expecting something good.

We must always think positive and try to see the good in others. Maybe some of us are negative is because we ourselves are full of bitterness and all we see and do is negativity and so we do not expect anything good to happen to you or anyone else.

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