Happy New Year

Happy New Year Background

Happy New Year

A symbol of Hope, Renewal, Grace and Forgiveness



Happy New Year Everyone! Let us not take this year or any day for granted. Numbers symbolize significant meaning from a Biblical point of view. Let us look at the number 2025. The number 20 symbolizes hope and renewal while the number 25 symbolizes grace and forgiveness.

A symbol of hope.

I know many of you have been waiting for so many things to materialize but do not give up. The Israelites endured a period of slavery for 400 years. However, after 20 decades, God send Moses to rescue them. Your waiting will not be in vain. You must have hope, and I believe many of us will get a breakthrough so, but you must believe. However, it requires you to be patient knowing that what God promised you will come to fruition

Remember the story about Abraham. Abraham was 75 years old when he received the promise from God that he will he father of many nations. However, 25 years later at the age of 100, Abraham became a father to Isaac through which promise was fulfilled.

A symbol of renewal.

It is time for a renewal with our walk with God. We have experienced so many hurts, disappointments and our past still hunt us. Renew your relationship with God, focused on God, let go of the things of this world. I know it is not easy, but it can be done. However, it will require us to change our mindset. If your mindset remains the same, your actions will be the same and your outcome will be the same.

A symbol of grace.

The number 5 is God’s grace and 25 represents 5 times 5 indicating abundance of grace. Grace is God’s unmerited favour. Expect an abundance of favour and grace from God. Don’t think it will not happen no matter how things look.  2nd Corinthians 9:8 says “And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work:”

A symbol of forgiveness.

In Mathew 18:21-22, Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive someone who sins against him. Seven times?  Jesus responded and said no not seven times but seventy times seven. It is hard to forgive someone and even if you forgive someone, it is hard to forget. Let this year be a year of forgiveness. Don’t hold unforgiveness in your heart because it may interfere with your walk with God.


I know that this is an election year and so many people are focusing on that but getting too involve in politics can be a distraction. In fact, if you don’t watch out, it may cause you to hope to be diminished and it may cause you to have unforgiveness towards others.

However, as you can see and read, numbers have significant biblical meanings about them. Therefore, turn to God in 2025, do what is right and live according to the word to experience the significance behind these numbers.

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