He will make a Way


He will make a Way

God Will Make a Way.

It May not Come when You Want it and How You Want It but You will Get It.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; Trust in him and he will do this. Psalms 37:4-5



I am cognisant of the fact that one of God’s main command and desire is for us to go and make disciples of many nations. This article however is on our personal desires and is dedicated to my late grandmother, Antoinette Malcolm -Smith, a mighty woman of God.

I know many of us have personal desires but they look impossible to achieve.The word of God says if you delight in the Lord, he will give you the desires of your heart. The things you desire may not come when you want them nor how you want them but You will get them.


My Story

From the time I was introduced to accounting in the second year of High School, I always wanted to be an accountant but it looked impossible for me to go to College as my father was a carpenter, my mother was a worker at one of the fisheries plants and my other siblings at that time had never gone to college. Scholarships were limited or unheard of at that time of our graduation.

In 1986, God opened the heart of a tourist family to provide scholarships to students from TCI. As a result, I was able to go to College and complete my Bachelor of Arts Degree in accounting by May 1989 at age 19 and then my MBA in Finance by December 1990 at age 20. In my career, I became the first local Financial Controller and CEO of Cable & Wireless. Today I have my own accounting firm.

Another desire I have is to own and manage my brand hotels, SEE MORE VILLAS & SUITES. Five years ago, I was rejected by at least three hotels in Turks and Caicos for employment stating that I was unqualified as accounting for hotels is different. However, four years ago, I was approached by some individuals (I did not approach them) to manage and do the accounting for their condos which I am still presently doing. God has a made a way to equip and prepare me to fulfil my desires of one day owning my resorts throughout TCI and the Caribbean.

After reading the above, I know some of you are wondering why I suffered from inferior complex as discussed in the article last week. The accomplishments above did not move me during my time of suffering. However, after being in a relationship with God, He made a way and I am now free from that mentality.


The Israelites Story

The Israelites were in Bondage in Egypt for years and God promised them that he would take them to the Promised Land. On their way leaving Egypt, the Egyptians pursued them and caught up with them while they were resting at the Red Sea. The Israelites became frightened and wished they had stayed in Egypt because it looked like they were about to die. However, God turned the Red Sea into dry land enabling the Israelites to pass.

The Israelites not only crossed the Red Sea on Dry Land, the Israelites later crossed the River Jordan on dry Land when it was at Flood stage under the leadership of Joshua.


The Widow’s Olive Oil Story

In 2 Kings 4, there is a story about a woman whose husband had died and the family had outstanding debt with some creditors. She was not in a position to repay them so the creditors were on their way to get her two sons as slaves. The woman cried out to Elisha and told him she had nothing at all except a small jar of olive oil. Elisha told her to get some empty jars from her neighbours and pour oil into the jars. She kept pouring oil into all the jars and when all of the jars were full, the oil stop flowing as she had no more jars. Elisha told her she can now go and sell the oil and pay off the debts and she will still have enough for her and sons to live off.


Your Story

What is your story? All you have to do is delight in the Lord. Delight in the Lord through his word and have faith and patience.

Your story may be about a desire to be healed. God will find a way to heal you. Your Story may be about discouragement, but God will find a way to encourage and uplift you. Your story may be about being financially broke, but God will find a way to provide you with a financial breakthrough. Your story may be about starting a business but you do not see how, but God will find a way. Your story may be about your children struggling but God will find a way to turn the situation around. Your story may be about finding a spouse. God will find a way. Your story may be about losing a spouse either through divorce, separation or death. God will find a way to bring you peace, comfort or even reconciliation. Commit your way to the Lord and your story will become a testimony and inspiration for others.



God made many ways for me. He made many ways for the Israelites to come to the Promised Land by crossing the Red Sea and the River Jordan on dry land. He made a way for the widow to pay off her debts and have access funds. God made ways for many other people. If he did it for me and others, he will certainly do it for you. Delight in the Lord and he will grant you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, Trust in him and he will do so.


Drexwell Seymour

July 29, 2018

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