If you are called to be a pastor, stay away from partisan politics.

Better off in or out daily newspaper headline

If you are called to be a pastor, stay away from partisan politics.

Come together and do not be a part of this divisive political system.


On September 20, 2020, I wrote an article entitled “Should Christians and Pastors be involved in politics.” I concluded that it is ok for Christians to enter politics, but Pastors should not get involved in politics. I believed it then and I still believe it today that Pastors should stay away from partisan politics.

In a recent conversation with someone, the person told me to stay in my lane and do not touch this subject because people in the Bible like Daniel, Joseph and David were involved in politics. Another friend of mine reminded me that these individuals did not make an application to any political party to become a politician. These individuals were appointed. Pharaoh appointed Joseph. The King appointed Daniel.

Furthermore, I think the political system was different in that era and was not partisan. However, the Westminster System that we used is very partisan and is designed to divide us. No pastor should be involved in a secular system that divides its people. In addition, more than likely there is a split in the congregation on how members vote and if a pastor decides to join a political party, it creates further division. Also, these political parties’ manifesto does not always line up with the word of God. For instance, there are pastors in America who aligned themselves with political parties that promotes lifestyles and behaviors which are contrary to the word of God.

Pastor and Politics

A pastor is called by God. Ephesians 4:11-12 said, he gave some apostles, and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers, for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry and for the edifying of the body of Christ.

I don’t think God called a pastor to also be a politician. The politician will not edify the body of Christ. The political system that we have established in this world was not the plan of God even though he allowed it to happen. Remember Israel asked Samuel to a appoint a King to lead them like what the other nations have.  They got their wish, but God told Samuel to tell them what the King will claim as his rights, and they will cry out for relief, but the Lord will not answer them in that day. In other words, you get what you want.

A politician does not edify the body of Christ and so how can a pastor carry out dual roles as a pastor and a politician. A pastor may think if he or she enters politics, it is an opportunity to fix the issues. That is not so, it is an opportunity for disaster. If a pastor is called to be a pastor, that pastor should take their calling very seriously. I think it is an honour to be called in the vocation of a pastor and that should not be taken for granted. Remember the word of God said the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few. Going into politics will reduce the labourers even further.

Pastors, preach the word, win souls in the kingdom of God, put God first and live a life pleasing God. If you can do this, you would help solve one of the major causes of some of the issues in the world, which is spiritual.

Pastors, by entering politics, are you implying that the political power is greater than the power of God.  There is no power greater than the power of God. The answers to our issues are not through partisan politics.  The pastors need to come together and try to bring the people together, not separate themselves or others over politics.


Everyone has a right to decide whether they want to run for political office. However, I personally will not vote for any pastor that aligns him or herself with a political party. If a pastor decides to go into politics, I believe that pastor should resign from the ministry.

If we want success in our country, then we need to unite and love one another. When we align ourselves with a party, it is a recipe for division and hatred, and we will not accomplish much.

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