If you want to lead effectively, be bold, brave and strong

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If you want to lead effectively, be bold, brave and strong

It is ok if you are soft and nice but……..


There are many qualities and characteristics an effective leader should possess such as being honest, being humble, being transparent, being held accountable, delegate tasks, have empathy toward others, communicate well, be decisive and be knowledgeable in your area.

I have had several leadership positions and based on my personal experiences and what I observe leaders are facing today, leaders ought to be bold, brave and strong. It is ok to be soft and nice, but you can be taken advantage of and may end up being a weak leader.

There are some decisions that leaders must make that are very unpopular, but some leaders are hesitant because they do not want to appear as the “bad person.” You must be bold and brave. If you are soft and nice, it will be a challenge to make unpopular decisions.

It is very unfortunate that many people attack leaders and say all sorts of evil about them. Rather than attacking the issues, people attack the individuals in the leadership roles and sometimes it is simply because they did not get what they want, or they don’t understand the process. Constructive criticism is very good, but don’t let the personal attacks distract you.  You must focus and be strong to withstand the attacks.

No matter how you as leader went out of your way to accommodate others and made sacrifices for others, some will still characterize you as a non-caring leader and “paint” a negative picture about you. You must be strong.

To be bold, brave and strong, you need to stop being concerned about the criticism you will get. You cannot please everyone and remember no matter what you do, someone will have something negative to say. The thing is if you are not bold enough, you can be replaced with a leader who will be bold and strong.

Be confident. Don’t be afraid. Fear can make you a weak leader. If you know what you are doing is the right thing, then there is no need to be afraid.

Tell people the truth. Don’t beat around the bush.   Don’t say one thing and do something else. Also, practice being bold and brave until you can grasp it completely.

Finaly, if you believe that you are in the leadership position that you were destined to be in, then be committed to your position no matter what obstacles come your way.  Stay focused.

I know some leaders must improve their leadership skills but there are some leaders that are really trying their best to make a difference.

Do you wonder sometimes why people shy away from assuming leadership positions? One of the reasons is because it is a huge responsibility, and you are always under scrutiny from the public. Furthermore, your private life may end up becoming the life of the public.

I encourage leaders and those that want to be leaders, make sure you are bold, brave and strong.

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