God spoke to people in the Biblical days and because God is the same yesterday, today and forever, I believe that God still speaks to people. However, when it comes to politics, I do not think the results of an election is the voice of God. After an election, I would hear people say the people have spoken and the voice of the people is the voice of God. Many people use this statement very loosely but God has given all of us a free will to make our choices. Therefore when it comes to politics, the election results are based on our free will, however, God knows in advance the outcome of an election because God is omniscience as he knows everything.
The voice of Go vs the voice of the People
If the voice of the people is the voice of God in politics, then why are parliamentarians passing legislations that are contrary to the word of God. If the voice of the people is the voice of God, then why is there is so much disorder in the House of Assembly. Why is there no peace or order?
If the voice of the people is the voice of God, then why is there so much division and hatred when it comes to politics? God is a God of unity.
If the voice of the people is the voice of God, then why is there preferential treatment for the people that aligned with the Government of the day? Once elected, you are the Government of all the people and for all the people. God is God of equality. He sees everyone as being equal but the voice of the people has created so much inequalities.
If the voice of the people is the voice of God, then why is there is abuse of power and encouragement to belittle others. The voice of God empowers, uplifts and strengthens people.
Current Political System is not the voice of God
I don’t think the current political systems in the world are of God. I believe it is the voice of the people. You see in the book of Samuel Chapter 1, the elders of Israel went to Samuel and demanded a King like other nations. Samuel was displeased and prayed to God. God told Samuel it is not Samuel that they rejected but it God they rejected as King. I believed we have made the politicians the God of our lives. Samuel warned the people but they insisted they wanted a King to rule over them to fight their battles. Was this the voice of God? No this was the voice of the people. In the end, the Lord told Samuel to listen to them and give them their King that they want. This also applies to us in today’s world. Not because the party you supported won means it the voice of God. It is the voice of the people. That is what the majority of people wanted. Some were paid to do so and some follow in the traditions of their family.
I conclude with John 18:36 “Jesus said, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place.”
Too many times, we mixed up the results of an election with the voice of God. However, the voice of the people when it comes to politics is not the voice of God.