It is good to take a hiatus.

Austria, Tyrol, Hiker taking a break, crouching by the lake

It is good to take a hiatus.

                               Return with a refreshed and renewed perspective.


No matter what your role is, it is good to take a hiatus. Some of you have been doing the same thing repeatedly for years and some of you have been working 24/7. Eventually, you will get tired and burned out. Perhaps, it is time to take a hiatus. Even if you are working the normal hours, it is still beneficial to take a hiatus.

Some of you have become addicted to social media platforms. You spend so much time on social media, you waste a lot of productive time, and it also interferes with your role as an employer, employer or even as a parent. Perhaps, it is time to take a hiatus.

Taking a hiatus will allow you to return to your role in a refreshed and renewed perspective. Don’t just take a hiatus for a day or two, do it for an extended period.

How to take a hiatus?

  1. Do a self-check of how and what you consume your time on.

Some of us may feel that we cannot stop what we are doing because it may cause a delay in achieving our desires. The thing is though when you become burned out, it can affect your health and cause you to be away from the very thing that you do not want to leave. Would you rather this to happen to you and then being replace by someone or would you rather take a hiatus and do a self-examination,

After you do a self-examination, reduce your time on some of the things and people that consume your time. I used to spend a lot of time on Facebook. I really did not get anything from it. In fact, it caused me to become distracted. Therefore, I deactivated my account more than six weeks.

  • Control yourself and be disciplined.

 I think one of key things in taking a hiatus, is to control yourself and be disciplined. If you have challenges in controlling yourself, then maybe you need to go away or be in a place where you do not have access to the internet or your job. Don’t worry about not getting your job done, find someone or train someone who can carry your role during your hiatus. Alternatively, let the relevant stakeholders know you will be absent for a while and some things may be delayed. I believe they will understand.

Another way to control yourself is to set a daily schedule that is reasonable and achievable and try to maintain it.

  • Do something else.

To take a hiatus, you may want to consider doing something else or something different. Don’t just take a hiatus, maybe do something like attending a conference or a course on self-development or on area that can complement your role. You may also want to do something in your field because there may be a lot of changes in your industry that you are unaware of or behind. This is a great opportunity to return your role well equipped with a lot of information and in so doing resulting in a refreshing perspective.


I believe everybody deserves to be on a hiatus at some point in their lives. I know it may not be easy for some people, but it is worth it. Before I went on a hiatus, I was tempted to discontinue completely with my writings and videos because I was getting burned out and running out of ideas. During my hiatus, I had time to reflect on my role and now I am geared up with excitement and more passion. You too can do the same thing. All you must do is take a hiatus and you will return with a refreshed and renewed perspective.

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