It is time to forgive, restore and move on.

Let go and move on

It is time to forgive, restore and move on.

The election is over



I thank God the election is over. Every time there is an election, it looks like many of us forget that we are one people. Because some of us are so obsessed with these political parties and we want them to win, we find ourselves stooping so low by assassinating the characters of individuals and fabricating messages about others. All these actions result in hatred and dislike among us creating division and unforgiveness.

We must change the way we campaign for an election.  Even though the elections are over, and people are still hurting because of the way they were treated and talked about.

I know it is hard, and I talk from personal experiences, but we must find it in our hearts to forgive those that ill treat us. Having unforgiveness in your heart will only make matters worse for you. Therefore, I encourage you to restore those broken relationships and accept the results of the outcome and move on.

Let us forgive one another

Some hurtful things were said and done during the campaign. In my opinion, this is pure ignorance and lack of political maturity. Forgive those individuals that hurt you. You do not have to be friends, and you are a human being so you may not forget. When you do not forgive, you are inviting a spirit of bitterness in your life. That bitterness can turn you into not speaking to others and not working with others. This is not how God wants us to live.

Let us restore our relationships

Some relationships have been destroyed because of politics. Even some people have compromised their relationship with God. Once you learn to forgive others, it should help you to restore your relationship with your family and friends. You have every right to your political preference, and we must learn to respect one’s choice.

Let’s move on

The election is over and because of the results, supporters of the PNP are happy and supporters of the PDM are disappointed. We cannot change the outcome of the elections so let us move on. While the PNP Party has won, at the end of the day, the Government must be the Government for everyone.

Let’s move on. There is no need to remind people of what they said or did during the campaign. There is no need to tease the unsuccessful candidates. There is no need to suggest that money and witchcraft played a role in the outcome. Move on and accept the results. Pray for great success for the Government. When they succeed, we all succeed.


We are a small country, and we should not allow politics to keep us down. I know it will take some time to forgive, to restore and to move on but the people have clearly spoken.

We are one Turks and Caicos and so we should always put our country first. It is time to unite and work together no matter what your political affiliation.

Together, let us get involved in community projects. Together, let’s get involved in businesses. Together, let us support our government, and let us support each other.

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