Kudos to the Police Department


Kudos to the Police Department

Keep up the good work you did during the month of December



The year 2024 has been an eventful year because so many murders took place. Of course, as soon as murder takes place, we blame the Police. The Police do not create criminals. One of the roles of the Police is to catch the criminals. In the Turks and Caicos, there is a reputation that the Police does not catch the criminals. However, in the month of December, the Police were on a roll in that they were visible, and they caught several criminals.

Keep it up

Too many times we blame the Police for everything that is going wrong in terms of the crime, but very seldom do we give them credit for when something is going right. With that said, I want to encourage the Police to keep it up. If they continue what they were doing in December such as being very visible, I honestly believe that the Police will deter some criminals. The presence of the police must create some fear among the criminals. When the criminals do not fear the Police or God, they will do whatever their minds tell them to do. I know some people are of the view that the police should not be on the road but if that is what it takes and it is making a difference, then they should continue.

More officers

It is my understanding that the Police are working very long hours. Due to the number of crimes that took place last year and the fact that many are unresolved, we need to recruit additional officers. We do not want our current officers to be burned out. Furthermore, we need extra help. The more help we have, the more we can spread them out in different areas to deter and find the criminals.

Thank the officers

I want to throw the challenge out to all of us. I know the Police has a job to do and some may say it is their job in what they are doing and so there is no need to praise them. However, everybody needs some level of praise or thanks, so I challenge each of you whenever you see an officer on the road, thank them and encourage them.


I believe the criminals are watching the strategic moves of the Police Department. The moment the Police let their guards down, it is the same time the criminals will take over. Therefore, there must be consistency with the visibility of the Police not only on the roads but in all the communities. They should not start something and then slow it down. Keep doing what you are doing and do more if you can.

I have yet to meet the acting Commissioner of Police, but I will say that leadership matters. I do not know if it is a coincidence or not, but I see action taking place since this acting Commissioner of Police has taken over as the head.

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