Make a fresh start today

Make a fresh start today

“Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
19 See, I am doing a new thing!
    Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
    and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:18-19


We are in a new year and because of this, let us use this as an opportunity to make a fresh start. No your problems will not go away because it is a new year. Yes some of us have been making resolutions annually on the first day of the year and do not maintain them. Whatever problems you have or had and whatever resolutions you made in the past, don’t look back, focused on making a fresh start today.

Don’t dwell on the past

One means to make a fresh start is that you should not look at the past. Some of you may have experienced some failures in the past and because of those failures, you continue to dwell on the past. Make a fresh start as the circumstances of the past may not be the same circumstances in the present. Even if the circumstances appear to be the same, there may be other factors that contributed to the failures in the past that no longer exist so make a fresh start and stop dwelling on the past. The only thing you should do about the past is to learn from the past and don’t make the same mistake multiple times.

Take the risks

Making a fresh start will require you to take some risks. You never would know what the outcome would be if you did not take the risks and made a fresh start. There is a great potential in all of us so exhale and take the risks. One of the first things I learned in my economics class in college is that the greater the risks, the greater the rewards.


When you make a fresh start, believe that you will be successful. Don’t doubt yourself or your vision. Have faith when you make that fresh start. Don’t ever believe you will fail and even if you encounter some failures, setbacks and disappointments during your fresh start, continue to believe. 


Sometimes in making a fresh start, it may require you to make a move. This move may require a change in jobs, a change in career or even a change in your environment. I know some of you are so comfortable in your current state but if you need a fresh start, try moving from your current state.

Focused on at least one goal

You may be faced with a myriad of issues and ideas. Start fresh by focusing on at least one goal that is achievable. Pursue that goal and then when you complete that goal, move onto the next goal. Set goals for yourself. Do not procrastinate and do not be distracted. Your goal may be to read the bible in a year. Stay focused and find a Bible plan and be committed to reading it in a year. Your goal may be to take and pass some professional exams to improve your marketability and your income.

Sever ties

Sometimes in order to make a fresh start, you need to sever ties with some individuals. You should not have any animosity or unforgiveness towards anyone but there are some people in your life who are stumbling blocks and are preventing you from moving ahead. Make a fresh start by letting go of some of them.


Making a fresh start is one of the best things you can do at the beginning of this year. As you make a fresh start, stay focused, don’t give up and move with faith.

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Drexwell Seymour
Drexwell Seymour
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