Some College Tips from My Personal Experience. Learn and Live a Joyful Life with your passion

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Some College Tips from My Personal Experience. Learn and Live a Joyful Life with your passion


Thirty years ago, I graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Accounting and Business Management. This month, hundreds of students are graduating from several secondary schools and hopefully many of them will be pursuing tertiary education in the fall either locally or internationally.

Therefore this article is to provide some tips to students based on my personal experience.

Choose Your Passion

Most colleges and universities have any course that you can study. Choose a major that you are passionate about. Do not let anyone influence you to pursue a course that you have no interest in. While you may do well in the subject, it will not only impact your career path but it will also impact your state of happiness. If you are unsure of your passion, in your first year, enroll in different classes that you think may be of interest to you.

Live on Campus

If you can afford it, live on campus where you can truly experience a wonderful college experience by getting involve in many events and socializing with others. My college experience was more than attending classes. It was about the experience of meeting so many people from different countries and the expansion of my horizon. Of course this does not mean living off campus will not allow you to experience the same.

Do Not Memorize

Do Not memorize for your studies unless it about dates and certain particular historical events. Understand thoroughly what you are being taught by reviewing your work constantly even if it means using other materials. Most times the questions that appear on an exam are for you to critically think rather than providing the professor with verbatim responses on what he taught you. The professor wants to make sure you understand what is being taught. It is also in your best interest to understand.

Group study

I found it useful studying with a group of 3 people or more. While I did study alone most of the time, there were occasions that I study in a group. This is a great opportunity to practice team work as in the work place you will not work alone.

Stay Focused and do not Compromise your values

In College, you will encounter students and professors who have certain beliefs. Do not easily become distracted by their beliefs. Stay Focused. There will also be a lot of partying and drinking in some colleges. College is the place where some people first drink alcohol, have sex or smoke. Control yourself and do not put yourself in any compromising positions. Do not do anything to please the crowd or to gain popularity. Be yourself even if you are alone.

Attend all classes

Do not miss any of your classes especially if you are not ill. College is just four years. Once you complete your degree, you will have enough time in the evenings to have fun after work. If you miss your class in college, more than likely you will repeat the pattern in the work place.

Do community work and join clubs

There are many clubs in colleges. Join a club and get involve in community events. It looks good on your resume and it also brings a balance to your life. You do not have to study all of the time. Have some fun too.

Do not rush

I rushed through college. I took summer classes, I took so many extra classes per semester so I ended up completing my degree in three years. However, you are still young, enjoy your life and take your time but just make sure you finish on time. During your summer breaks, rather than taking summer classes, find employment in your area to get experience. By doing so, it may reveal whether or not you want to pursue that course. My college years were some of the best years of my life and if I had to do it over again, I would take my time.

Check the course schedule

Ensure you meet all the requirements for graduation. Some colleges may only offer classes certain times of the year rather than every semester so make sure you are aware and plan accordingly your schedule of classes for the duration of your college time.


Parents and guardians encourage and support your children to pursue their passion. Attending tertiary education is an investment in their future and talent. Once completed, they will be greatly rewarded.

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