Is there a succession plan to promote from within to the COP post?
The recent resignation announcement by the former Commission of Police, Mr. Edvin Martin, has garnered a cry out for the top position to be occupied by a local. Let me say this, and I always say that, that a local should be the head of every top position in both the private and public sectors. However, we should not put a local in a position just because that person is a local. A local should be qualified for the position and if a local is not qualified, then the head of the organization should identify at least two locals as part of a succession plan and groom them to become the Head eventually.
There are currently two locals who are deputies in the Police Department, and they have been in these roles for a very long time. I don’t know if both individuals apply for the Commissioner of Police, but it is my understanding that at least one of them applied. However, that individual was rejected, and the post was given to an outsider.
Something is going on in the Police Department.
There must be reasons why the local deputies and other locals are being overlooked. Are there some things going on in the Police Department that are not public knowledge. I know from a public point of view, many of us believe a local should be given the position. However, those of us are saying this does not work in the Police Department and from the outside, it seems the right thing to do. There is a saying that: Come see me and come live with me are two different things.” I talk to some current and former police officers, and they are of the view that our local police officers are not ready to assume the position of the Commissioner of Police. Despite this though, I believe that if someone is not ready, then we should prepare them to be ready especially if you allow them to act so many times and for so long. On the other hand, if these individuals are not performing, then why are they still on the job. Do we appraise them effectively? Why do we allow them to act then?
There are allegations of corruption in the Police Department. There is allegation of lack of trust among the Police. The community does not trust the police. The community feels that there is no confidentiality and so many people do not report the crime even to Crime Stoppers which is answered in Florida.
The Police Department should have a succession plan. There should be a plan in place which states by a certain year that the top position should be occupied by a local. After all, most of the other areas in Government are occupied by locals. Our Deputy Governor is a local. Our Attorney General is a local. All our Permanent and Deputy Secretaries are locals. Most of our Statutory Bodies are headed by locals.
The Police Department should also recruit an independent professional human resource person, and that person should interview each member of staff individually and assure them that their names will not be disclosed. The staff knows what is going on, but it seems no one is listening.
My other recommendation is to recruit external police officers on a temporary basis. At the end of their 2 year or 3-year tenure, bring someone else in.
Selection of Commissioner
The Governor appoints the Commissioner of Police after the candidate goes through a series of interviews from a stakeholder panel, a community panel and consultation with the Premier. I mentioned this portion of the article to say that the elected officials do not choose the Commissioner of Police despite the consultation with the Premier. However, the elected officials can come together and voice their concerns about the process and the fact that there appears to be no succession plan to promote from within. I also believe that our present and past leaders know what is going in the Police Department and that is why they always supported the Governor’s selection.
It seems we have yet to find the right person to lead the force. Someone that will motivate the team, someone that unites the team, someone who is trustworthy and someone that cares about the force and the community. Despite the number of Commissioner of Polices we have had over the last couple of years, the morale factor still appears to be low, the trust factor has not improved and we still not catching the criminals. Of course, I will not blame the Commissioner alone because he is surrounded by a management team and more than 200 police officers.
Something is going on in the police department and I know due to the nature of this Department, very little can be said to the public, but actions speak louder than words. To the locals, if you think you are qualified for the job, apply and if you feel you were discriminated against, then take legal action. The Police Department needs clean-up because no matter who the Commissioner of Police is, the issues will remain the same if there is no clean-up.