Stop Complaining about the things you don’t have but be thankful for what you have.

Be thankful. Tonythetigersson Tony Andrews Photography Neutral color pallet

Stop Complaining about the things you don’t have but be thankful for what you have.


How many times do we say?, I don’t have this, I wish I had this, I don’t have any money, I don’t have anything in my house. How many times do we say? Thank you for this or thank you for that. Quite frankly, if we were to really be truthful and assess what we say or don’t say, we will realize that we are complaining many more times than we are giving thanks.

In this article, I challenge of all of us including myself to stop complaining about the things you don’t have but be thankful for what you have.

Stop Complaining

There are so many people around the world who wish they had what we had but yet we complain about what we don’t have. How many of you are on the streets begging for food?  How many of you are homeless? How many of you are unemployed? How many of you are complaining about only having one meat to eat? How many of you are complaining about the minimum wage? How many of you are complaining about your job? How many of you complaining about the size of your body parts? How many of you are complaining about being alone?

As far as I know, you are not on the streets begging for food. There are so many countries where there are people on the streets begging for food. Most people in the Turks and Caicos have a place to stay but yet we complain about where we are staying. You are not homeless like some people in different parts of the world. The unemployment level is very low in the TCI to a point where we have to bring in people to work. You don’t need to be unemployed. Jobs are here. Stop complaining. Another thing we complain about is only having one meat to eat, many people do not have any meat or any food at all. Now I know the minimum wage needs attention but really and truly how many people in the Turks and Caicos are working at the minimum wage. If you were to do a data analysis, you will find that most people are working above the minimum wage rate. Furthermore, our rate is higher than many other places. I know many of you are not happy with the size of your body, but rather than complaining, exercise and eat healthy. I know being lonely is a hard thing but some of you are better off being alone, you may end up in a relationship and that person may abuse you or give you more headaches than you have.

Let us stop complaining and be thankful for what you have.

Be thankful

Be thankful for the things you have. You may think the things you have are insignificant but trust me what you have are very significant. You may not have a lot of money in the bank but you have another day at life to fulfil your purpose. Some people died without fulfilling their purpose and some people died without committing their lives to the Lord. You have an opportunity to do so, therefore be thankful for life. Be thankful that you five senses are intact. Some of you may have lost one or two of your senses such as seeing but still be thankful. Losing your sight does not mean it is the end of your life. Be thankful for a sound mind. Be thankful that you have a place to live and a place to work. Be thankful for your body parts no matter what size or shape they are in. Some people wish they have body parts. Some people were born without some body parts. Be thankful for your family, parents, children and friends.


I want to conclude by challenging each of you to document the things you have and the people in your life. I am quite sure if you take stock of the things you have and the people in your life, you will realize you have more than you think and hopefully this will propel you to stop complaining and be thankful.

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