TCI is not the only place that needs improvement in customer services.

Excellent customer service is a high priority

TCI is not the only place that needs improvement in customer services.

There are other places in the same condition.


I know that much improvement is needed in the customer service in the Turks and Caicos Islands. We should never accept mediocrity or substandard service, especially for a place that is highly dependent on tourism.

However, sometimes I think we act like this is the worst place in the world. Well, my wife and I just returned from a very big city in America, and I couldn’t believe the level of customer service we experienced.

Of course, this is not an excuse to accept what is going in TCI but it opened my eyes to the fact that we are alone and everybody needs to focus on improving their customer service.


There are a lot of complaints about the experience at the airport in Providenciales. People have a right to complain, especially after spending so much money to come here. There are complaints about the lack of customer service from immigration and customers officers to the length of time in the long lines. When I read the comments, I felt so bad because I know we should do better, and we must do better especially if we are to remain competitive in the tourism industry.

Ironically, on my most recent trip to the USA, I spent almost two hours in line to be served by the immigration officer. In fact, there was only one agent to serve those persons who were not USA citizens.

Opening of bank account

I remembered highlighting on Financially Speaking Show, how I was able to open a bank account in Florida within 15 minutes and I was comparing it to Turks and Caicos where you must get an appointment and takes a long time to open a bank account.

Well to my surprise, on Thursday, we went to this well-known bank in this big city to open a bank account. The agent at the front asked us if we had an appointment and of course we didn’t/ She told us she cannot assist us because everybody is out for lunch and we will have to come back.

I know most financial institutions are going digital and you can open accounts online, but I must admit I was not expecting that response.

We complained a lot about the banks here and quite frankly they were no different. At least on the island, I can call someone to assist.

Customer Service must be a priority.

People have choices and even if they do not have choices, providing exceptional customer service should be a priority in everything we do. We should live and breathe customer service.

We need to stop acting like customers are a burden. Customers pay our bills and without them many of us would not be in the position we are in today.

Be friendly. Practice smiling. Show empathy. Follow up on customers’ requests. Always greet people even if you do not know them. Do not fake it because customers will know when you are faking.


I think many people think they are independent and don’t need others and so it is reflected in the customer service that is provided. The truth is no one is independent,

 and we need one another and if we want to get help from one another, we can do so by providing good customer service. If you do not provide good customer service, you risk losing your existing customers and potential customers.

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