The Spirit of Jealousy is a sin and can even lead to Murder


The Spirit of Jealousy is a sin and can even lead to Murder

Recognize this Spirit and Do not Get Trapped with It.


For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. James 3:16

Anger is cruel and fury overwhelming, but who can stand before jealousy? Proverbs 27:4



Many of us are so preoccupy or consume with the things that other people have until it reaches a point that the spirit of jealousy is activated.  I believe at some point in our lives, all of us were faced with the spirit of Jealousy. However, some are mild while others are very extreme.

We see individuals with a new vehicle, a new or bigger home, new clothing, new physical appearances, a new business, a new job, a promotion, a husband, a wife, children, we tend to get jealous. We are even jealous of the different gifts and abilities that others have. We also tend to be jealous when we see others appear to be prospering more than us.

Jealousy is a sinful act and leads to division, hate, and even murder. The spirit of jealousy lines up with the plan of the Devil as he came to kill, steal and destroy.



Jealousy not only leads to division among friends but even within our own families. Brothers against brothers and sisters against sisters.  When you are divided, you are fall. This is one of the primary issues we have in our country. We are so divided and perhaps if we were to look at the source of the issue, maybe it will be revealed as the spirit of jealousy. How can we be on a united front if we are so divided over simple things? This is not the plan of God.



Jealousy leads to hate. Because you envy someone so much and you do not possess the things they have, you will end up hating an individual. Soon thereafter, you stop speaking to the person. Sometimes the individual does not even know why you stopped talking to him or her. It is simply because you are jealous and now have develop a hate for that individual.


This is exemplified in the Book of Genesis 37 where Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and ended up selling up their brother to the Ishmaelites.




People are killing one another due to jealousy. This all started from the children of Adam and Eve namely the story about Cain and Abel.


In Genesis 4, The Lord showed favour to Abel’s offering but not Cain’s. Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him all because of jealousy.

Today people are still being killed because of jealousy. However, killing someone is not worth it. When you get caught (and you will get caught one day), you will be imprisoned and cannot enjoy the things that you were jealous about.

Even right here in Turks and Caicos. I recalled many years about an incident that took place on the island of Providenciales.  A young man attacked another young man and his girlfriend all in the name of jealousy.  Unfortunately, the young lady die but the young man was able live to tell the story about the horrible ordeal. These two young men had similar business respectively. The other gentleman became very jealous when he saw a lot of clients were leaving him to go to the next gentleman. He plotted to kill this gentleman so that he can get all the clients. He did not expect the gentleman to survive. The gentleman ended up going to prison and as a result could not continue in the business. Was it worth it? Absolutely not.



How to overcome Jealousy

One of the primary things we need to do is to desist from becoming obsessed with the things other people have.  One way to do is to focus on God and yourself. Know what you what want and set a plan in motion to achieve what you want and not want others have. The key ingredient is to be content with what state you are in.

Do not compare yourself to others. Recognize that each of us is unique. Therefore, do not try to imitate the gifts that others have. You also have gifts. Some of us have gifts that we do not even realize we possess. Search deep within yourself, pray and ask God for direction. You may find that your gifts are within you. They should need to be activated. Once you activate the gifts, you will realize how abundantly blessed you are and therefore no need to be jealous.

Pray always against the spirt of jealousy.

Focus on the word of God. Seek ye first the kingdom of God.

We simply need to mind our own business.



There is really no point in being jealous. There is a time and place for everything and there will be a time when your will experience an abundant season. You may go through the valley now but if pursue God and do what is right, you will get an abundance. After all, he said he came that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  Focus on the inherent talents he provided you with.  Be happy for others. Each day, tell the Lord not to allow you to jealous but rather be happy for others.

Think about the impact the spirit of jealousy has on you. It leads to hate, division and possibly murder. Is this what you want? Of course not. Then let us combat this spirit of jealousy. It can be done. I know it can.


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