Don’t’ be silly though – Be wise
Don’t be silly – Your business matters
Some of you have business and you have clients who are supporters of both parties. Don’t be silly. Don’t risk your losing clients because you are being silly in this political season. After the election is over, you still have that business, and you will still want those clients so to be very careful in what you say and do. You have a business to run, you have employees to pay, you have a family to take care of and you have expenses to pay. Therefore, don’t be silly.
Don’t’ be silly -Your family matters
Not all family members will be on the same side of the political fence. Appreciate and respect the political differences and honestly it is ok not to vote on the same side. Therefore, don’t get caught up in this political season whereby you are destroying your relationship with your family. Your family will always be your family.
Don’ be silly – Your country is more important than politics
Your country is more important than politics. Don’t ever allow politics to divide us a country. Unfortunately, it is happening and while we are busy being divided over politics, there are others among us who are becoming united and the movers and shakers in the country. If we can put aside politics and unite, we can become a powerful force.
Don’t be silly – If you are a Christian, be very careful
I don’t have a problem with Christians getting involve in politics. However, as Christians, we must conduct ourselves as the word of God wants us to. Therefore, don’t get caught up in doing some of the things other people are doing during this silly season. Be wise and don’t compromise your relationship with God.
Even though this time is considered silly season, it does not mean that you must be silly too. Life goes on and some things are so ironic. Some of the same people you are getting mad with and fighting over may be some of the same people who may be on your party ticket in the next four years or so. There is so much to life than politics. Examine some of the most successful people in your community and you will realize that they have become successful not because of politics. They have clients who are supporters of both parties. They are friends with supporters of both parties.