Think Globally.

Think Globally.


Whatever you do in life and wherever you are, think globally. I know many of us are so comfortable in our home circle that we do not even think about expanding globally. On the other hand, there are some people who are uncomfortable in their local environment and so they do not even think beyond the local environment.

When I started my website and YouTube channel, the main objective was to go global. I love my birth place, the Turks and Caicos Islands but I believe that God is calling me beyond the Turks and Caicos. In the Turks and Caicos Islands the population is approximately 40,000 people while there are 7.8 billion people in the world and therefore you and I have the potential to reach billions of people.

In Genesis 12: 1, “The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the Land I will show you.” I believe that God is calling many of us to go somewhere.

Come out of your comfort zone

In Mark 16:15, the word of Lord says “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” It is time for many of us to take this scripture literally and go into all the world. Too many of us like our comfort zone and just preaching locally and to same people every week. It is time to go into all the world. Thankfully, COVID 19 forced many people to go into all the world as we could not meet face to face in the church building.

Some of you who have a business, that business can go global and you have the potential to increase your customers and in so doing you are increasing your revenue.

Some of you are afraid to go beyond your comfort zone. You think you cannot do it. You are thinking about your circumstances or background. Get out of your comfort zone and think globally.

Think Outside the Box

Another way to think globally is to think outside the box. Too many of us only think about our current environment and so you will find many people in the local environment are doing the same thing. As a result, the potential is limited but if you can think outside the box and be innovative and creative setting you aside and ahead from others, you have the potential to tap into an unlimited world. You can reach people globally while being in your local environment. You do not necessarily have to leave your place of birth. Of course for some, this will require you to leave your place of birth.

Think Big

Another way to think globally is to think big. Stop thinking small. Stop thinking you are not good enough. You can be in your place of birth and have customers worldwide. You can be in your place of birth and work remotely for others. You can have multiple locations throughout the world. Others have done it and so can you.

Thinking big may require you to have faith. You got to believe that you can go globally so start thinking big. Do not let anyone intimate you that you cannot think big because you are from a small place. The size of your place should not determine your ability to think big. It is the size of your vision. Let you vision including thinking big.


The world is a global village so take advantages of the opportunities in the world and think globally. Get out of your comfort zone, think outside the box and think big.

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