Walk Uprightly. No good thing will God withhold from you.


Walk Uprightly. No good thing will God withhold from you.

“For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly”. (Psalms 84:11)

“The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbour, and casts no slur on others”. (Psalms 15:2-3)


I know it can be very discouraging when it appears that those that are not walking uprightly are getting so many things and are prospering. Do not become distracted by what you see others getting. While those things that others are getting may appear to be good, they may not necessarily be good.

If you walk uprightly with God, he will not withhold any good thing from you. Many times we may not get the things we want or we may lose the things we want and consequently we become despondent.  However, sometimes the reason we do not get those things or lose those things is perhaps due to the fact that those things may not have been good for us at that time. Of course the enemy plays a role as well because he came to steal, destroy and kill the things that belong to you but you can recover what he stole from you by walking uprightly with God.

How to walk uprightly?

Psalms 15 provides us with an illustration on how to walk up uprightly. You walk uprightly by being righteous, by speaking the truth, by not slandering anyone, by not doing wrong to anyone and by not damaging the reputation of others.

If you walk uprightly, you will avoid evil (Proverbs 16:17)

An uprightly person will sing praises to our Lord (Psalms 33:1)

Despite the temptations and negative circumstances in your life, control yourself and walk uprightly. Be conscious of the fact that the plan of the enemy is to distract you so that you can fall. Even if you end up falling, get up again and walk uprightly. It is not easy walking uprightly in this corrupt world but it can be done.

Benefits of walking uprightly

  • You will flourish like a palm tree (Psalms 92:12)
  • You will be protected and defended by God (Psalms 84:11)
  • You will dwell forever with the Lord (Psalms 37:18)
  • No good thing will he withhold. The Lord will give you grace and glory (Psalms 84:11)

The doctor may have diagnosed you with health issues and perhaps you are saying you are walking uprightly and there is no change in your condition. You are saying to yourself what is good about this health condition. I will never forget the words a friend told me. He said perhaps you are still in your current condition because the Lord is protecting you and preventing you from going places you do not need to go because he knows I love to travel.  

Therefore I encourage you to continue to walk uprightly, be patient, believe and see that God will not withhold good health from you. You will be restored.


Upright means to be straight like a palm tree. Do not be twisted in your walk with God. Do not twist the truth. Be truthful and straight and you will see that God will not withhold any good thing from you. A great example of someone that walked uprightly is Job. In fact the name Job is synonymous with Upright and righteous.

God has everything you need and will give you everything you need no matter how the enemy tries to steal it or take it away.

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