We got one life to live on this earth – Enjoy it.

Enjoy life

We got one life to live on this earth – Enjoy it.


I know many of us wish our lives were better especially from a financial point of view. However, despite any financial limitations, enjoy your life. Some of you may argue that you cannot enjoy life because you do not have any money and there is a scripture in the Bible that says money answered all things. While this is scriptural, do you know that there are many people who have money and are still not enjoying life? It is because money cannot buy them happiness.

For those of us who do not have money, we think that once we have money we will begin to enjoy your life and so we spend countless hours during the day and night finding ways and means to acquire more money and material possession. As a result, we spend very little time with our family and friends.

I know that some people have to engage in multiple jobs to meet their financial obligations However, we still must enjoy life for life is short. James 4:14 states that “It is a vapour that appeared for a little time and then vanished away.”

Why worked so hard and so long and you cannot enjoy what you work for?

Get some rest

I know the Bible is the best guideline to live by and we see from the beginning of time, God rested on the seventh day after the creation of the earth. God has demonstrated that we should take a rest. Too many of us including myself are working so hard without getting rest. When you do not get adequate rest, you will compromise your health and soon you will not be in a position to enjoy your life and things you work so hard for.

Take vacation

In addition to getting rest, take a vacation. Your vacation does not have to be overseas, you can vacation locally. Turn your phone off and explore your country and the rest of the world. Make memories with your family and friends.

Family time

Spend quality time with your family. Take walks with your family. Have lunch and dinner with your family. Play games with your family. Watch a movie together with your family. Your family is precious so do not let them become strangers by not spending time with them.

Have fun

Have fun in life. You do not have to drink and smoke to have fun. You can go fishing, kayaking, dancing and swimming, Find something fun to do rather than spending all of your time at work or living a boring life. When your life becomes mundane, you end up living with regrets and perhaps complaining about everybody else but you.


God wants us to have joy in everything we do. Therefore enjoy life and appreciate the family and friends in your life. There is more to life than having a lot of money. There is more to life than having that dream car. There is more to life than titles. You have one life to live so enjoy every minute of the hour because you can be here today but not tomorrow.

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