“A feast
is made for laughter, wine makes life merry,
and money is the answer for everything.” Ecclesiastes 10:19
I know there may be many interpretations of the scripture that money is the answer for everything. The truth is we need money for most situations in order to be successful. One of the top causes of divorce is due to financial reasons. Business are failing due to lack of money and of course mismanagement of money. Individuals have so many dreams and visions but do not have the money to implement them. Some individuals want to enhance their career or goals by pursuing tertiary education but do not have the money to go to college or university. We are living in an era where the cost of living continues to escalate. We need money so we can live comfortably in an apartment or home. The climate is so strange these days we need to have the air conditioner on most of the times but we need money to pay for the consumption of the electricity when it becomes due. We need to eat and live healthy and we need money to maintain a balanced diet.
Based on the aforementioned areas, we need money to live a successful life. Of course there are some things that money cannot buy. It cannot buy your way into heaven. It cannot cure incurable diseases. It cannot buy real love. One can also have a lot of money and still be unhappy.
Money vs success
Many may argue that you do not need money to be successful. Perhaps there are some valid arguments for that statement but I personally believe we need money to be successful. Of course, what is success to you may not be success to me. Therefore, many individuals feel we should not measure success by the amount of money you have. I do agree with that latter statement. However, to get to your measurement of success, you need money to get there. Let us not live in denial that we do not need money to be successful.
Of course, there are people who have money and still have unsuccessful marriages, unsuccessful relationships, unsuccessful businesses and unsuccessful careers. Perhaps it is because they are in the wrong relationship, perhaps they are in the wrong business, and perhaps they are in the wrong career. You need to be in a relationship, a business or career that you are passionate about. However, you will need money to maintain your relationship, you will need money to expand your business and you will need money to enhance your career.
While there will be arguments for and against as to whether or not you need money to be successful, we should never allow ourselves to become too obsess with our desire for money where it reaches a point that we become greedy for the love of money which of course is the root of all evil.
Finally, success does not have to be measured by the amount of money we have but we need money to live successful lives.