Your focus should not be about you or to get credit

People who shine from within do not need the spotlight

Your focus should not be about you or to get credit

Just make sure it gets done



I think one of the issues we have in many organizations is that too many people focus on getting credit for themselves rather than focusing on what is the best for the organization. While you may have a significant role in the organization, there may be some things you just do not know how to do but there may be people below you or even on the same level as you who know how to do it.  However, some people want praise for themselves, so they would rather delay the implementation of a project and seek external help than to use the people within their organization who can help.

At the end of day, what really should matter is that the job gets done. Who did it and who gets the praise should not matter. You will still look good though because the project was done under your supervision.

There is no need for competition among your peers or validation from others. Stop promoting and focusing on yourself. Appreciate and value the skills of your team. It should not be about “I” but about us. Of course, no one should be taking credit for the work of others.

Do what is best for the organization

We need to do what is best for the organization no matter who is doing it. The organization should not be about you. It is about delivery the best to your internal and external customers. One of the things that most organizations want to improve is the effectiveness and efficiency in its service delivery. If this can be done, it will not only improve the customer service level, but it may also save the customers dollars and cents in the long run. Therefore, get it done without looking for praise or without worrying that other people will look better than you when it comes out who was responsible for doing it. That should not matter.

Know your team and allow them to use their gifts

Everybody has different skills and talents. It is important for you to recognize the skills of your team and use them in the areas that require their expertise. You must accept the fact that you do not know everything, and some people will know more than you in certain areas. Consider that an asset for your organization and allow them to do what they were called or trained to do. In doing so, it will create a great working relationship and makes others feel appreciated.

No need to promote yourself.

You do not need to promote yourself. At the end of the day, if things get done, the entire organization will look great and guess what if you are at the head, it will be a great reflection of you as leader even if you were not the one that physically did the job.


Sometimes we let our positions get to our head and we think it is all about us, so we end up focusing on promoting ourselves and looking for credit. The truth is you will still look good if your organization does something good. I know one thing if something goes wrong withing your organization, you will not want to take the credit for it, you will want to blame someone else. Therefore, don’t focus on yourself. Focus on your team and your customers and do the right thing by putting people in the right positions. Things may not get done effectively if you are just focusing on yourself.

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