Your Success will come. In fact, your success is waiting for you to execute it.

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Your Success will come. In fact, your success is waiting for you to execute it.

“A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” Proverbs 18:16

“The Lord was with Joseph so that he prospered, and he lived in the house of his Egyptian master.” Genesis 39:2


I believe everyone wants to have success in life whether it is a successful marriage, a successful family, a successful career, a successful business and a successful health. Success can take place in your life. Success will take place in your life. It is you that will determine your success. Your success is waiting for you to execute it. Start now.

What is success?

A lot of times we consider success as having wealth and when we do not acquire the wealth, we feel like we are failures. However, success is not just about wealth, it is about achieving your desired goals and purpose in life. Of course, one of the primary goals for many of us is to be wealthy and so if that is your goal and you meet it then I supposed you can consider yourself successful. However, remember the love of money is the root of all evil. Furthermore, you may have wealth but still feel a sense of lack. Perhaps it is because you have not achieve your purpose in life. If you have achieve your purpose in life, consider yourself successful.  I believe ultimately, money will follow. The word said “a man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men.” (Proverbs 18:16 KJV)

Seek the Lord at all times.

Joseph and Daniel are great example of success. They were successful in everything they did because the Lord was with them. The Lord was with them because they meditated on the word day and night, they prayed to God and they obeyed the word. If we want success, then we have to be like Joseph and Daniel, meditating, praying and obeying God. The word said seek ye first the kingdom of God. The word also says in 1 Corinthians 3:7 “So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.”

Know Your Purpose

Proverbs 16:3 stated that “commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”

In order to determine your success, search within yourself for your purpose on this earth. Once you have discover your purpose, set realistic and measurable goals to achieve your purpose. Do not ever think you cannot achieve it. The purpose that God placed within you is achievable. I believe if he did not think you can do it, he would not give you that passion for that purpose.

Document your goals and pursue your purpose.

The Bible say write the vision and make it plain. The Bible also says where there is no vision, the people perish.  Use this as your document for achieving your purpose. Do not just write something down and leave it unattended.  Never leave your dreams on the shelves. Start with something even if it means starting small. Never delay or procrastinate. Adhere to your written document. Update when necessary.

Do not be discouraged

Isaiah 43:2 states “I will be with you and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the will flames will not set you ablaze.”

You may easily get discouraged if you do not see the physical manifestation of your goals. Do not ever get discouraged. Success will come. If it does not work one way, try another way. If you fail, start again. You may get some obstacles in your way, stay focused and never let those obstacles discouraged you. In fact, let those obstacles encourage you, view them as opportunities for success.  Remember God is with you.

Be Bold and Have faith

Sometimes your purpose may appear to be uncommon and unachievable. Be bold, be courageous and step forward in faith with your goals. You have to believe in what your purpose is and do not be afraid. David made a bold move and was able to overcome Goliath. It looked impossible but he did it.    

Work Hard

Faith without works is dead. Even though you need to have faith, you need to work hard towards achieving your goals. Do not wait around expecting something or someone suddenly to appear.  Work towards it and work hard. Proverbs 13:4 states “Lazy people want much but those who work hard will prosper.


God sacrificed his only son so that we can have an abundant life. In order to achieve success, you may have to endure sacrifices with your time, finances and other things.


Ask God for wisdom like what King Solomon did. In the end King Solomon was very successful in carrying out his role as King. In addition, do a lot of research in your area so you will be well equipped.


You are unique. There is something special about you. Discover your uniqueness, pursue it and you will become successful.

Do not pursue a goal that does not reflect you. Be happy. You success will come. Stop waiting for the perfect time or moment. Start now in pursuit of your success.

Remember success to you may be different from success to me. Your success is waiting for you to execute it.

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