I don’t know about you but many times, I used to wish I can change the past events in my life because they were defining me. Thankfully, I have overcome my past and can used those past events to mold me into the person that I am destined to be.
Based on my experience and in the words of Blake Mays “Don’t let your past define you, let it mold you in the person you want to be.”
Don’t let your past define you
Many people continue to battle with their past. Some are constantly reminded about their past and some have yet to overcome their past. As a result, their past is defining them. As you know by now, I suffered from inferiority complex from the time I was a child and as a result, I lived most of my life thinking I was nobody and I thought that most people were better than me.
What about you? Are you going to let your past define you? Remember you cannot change your past. The past is the past and so do not let it define you. I know it is easier said than done especially because the words spoken into your life and over your life in the past have impacted you so much. I understand when the Bible say the power of life and death is in the tongue. Too many negative words were spoken over you and these words “killed” you. Your dreams were killed. Some of you don’t even have any dreams because you are afraid and feel inadequate to achieve anything. Some of you still believed the things people said you were mount to and some of you even became what they say you would. The good news is that, you don’t have to stay in the past. You can change and if you have changed then why are you allowing the past to define you.
If you are having a difficult time getting over your past, I encourage you to speak to someone that you trust, someone that will mentor you and someone that will encourage you. The future is bright but if you let you past define you, it will weakened your quality of life. You have so much potential but dwelling on your past is prohibiting you from embracing and enjoying these opportunities.
Let you past mold you into the person you want to be
No matter what your past is, you can have a better future. You were not created to suffer from inferiority complex. No one is better than you. You are just as important as anyone else. You were created equally in the eyes of the Lord. You were not created to be abused by anyone. You were not created to be a criminal. You were not created to be a drug addict.
Whatever you did in the past, use your past experiences to mold you into the person that God initially created you to be. You were created to be somebody. You were created to be great. You were created to be an encourager. You were created to uplift others. You were created for a purpose. You were created to be that world changer. You were created to be that great entrepreneur. You were created for a great position. You know what you want to be so do don’t let your past stop you.
I pondered on a conversation that a gentleman and I had recently. He said you are a better person today because of your past and if you had to change your past, you may not be the same person you are today. Therefore, while we may have endured some negative things in our past, use those things as opportunities or motivators to propel you to your next stage in your journey.