Demolish the Shanty Towns– Give Them one Year’s Notice Allow Locals to Build Reasonable and Affordable Apartments – Give them concessions/exemptions on the construction materials Introduction The development of

Demolish the Shanty Towns– Give Them one Year’s Notice Allow Locals to Build Reasonable and Affordable Apartments – Give them concessions/exemptions on the construction materials Introduction The development of
A Review of The Hotel and Restaurant (Service Charge) Draft Bill 2018. The 100% of the Service Charge for Employees is Included in this Bill…. But There are Some Areas
No TCI Islander should be Unemployed 23, 027 jobs 8,589 TCIslanders in the labour force According to Annex A of the National Skills audit (page 259), the labour force
Four (4) CEOs/Directors have been missing in TCI for a Long Time. Two for a Year and the Other Two for Seven (7) Months. Why can’t we Find Them?