Introduction I believe that a day should be set aside for our first chief minister, Most Excellent, Hon. JAGS McCartney, a man that fought for hard for justice and equality
Introduction I believe that a day should be set aside for our first chief minister, Most Excellent, Hon. JAGS McCartney, a man that fought for hard for justice and equality
“Born in The Bahamas, raised in the Turks & Caicos……., she considers the Turks & Caicos her only home. “ – Jena Janse Introduction Due to the sensitivity of this topic,
Introduction On February 12th 2020, while standing in the long queue at the Immigration line in Belize, I received a text from one of my high school classmates who informed
Introduction In 2019, Tremmaine Harvey and Diandra Mills hosted an Economic Empowerment Conference. Immediately after the conference, a group of us met and agreed to unite so that we can