Introduction In the introductory section of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the report stated that “the UK has an obligation under article 73 of the United Charters to provide for the

Introduction In the introductory section of the Foreign Affairs Committee, the report stated that “the UK has an obligation under article 73 of the United Charters to provide for the
Background Information In December 2005, TCI Bank opened its doors in the Turks and Caicos eventually serving three islands, Providenciales, North Caicos and Grand Turk. In April 2010, the Financial
Introduction The Public Accounts Committee recently met to discuss a number of audited statements including the audit of the Turks and Caicos Islands Government. The report was very comprehensive addressing
Introduction I am grateful for the fact that the Turks and Caicos Islands are blessed to have a resort such as Beaches TCI. However, I have a major problem when